- by the Théâtre de Céphise - by the Val de Sully library network - by the Val de Sully library network - by the Val de Sully library network - by the Val de Sully library network Nino wonders about the sudden disappearance of his grandmother Mamita. He is told she has left? But where?!... His grandfather Papitone knows what to tell him? So the child escapes into his imagination. He evokes his grandmother in the company of animals? Back in the garden, Nino insists that Papito plant some of the radishes Mamita loved so much. Papito, after evoking the earth and the sky, prefers to remember Mamita and tell Nino that she is undoubtedly in the garden she loved so much, light as a butterfly?s caress.
- Literature
- Theatre
Comfort / services
- Accepted animals : no
- Toilet blocks
- Le SAMEDI Of 10:30 at 11:15